An Electric Circuit

  • An electric circuit is a closed path through which electric current flows.
  • It consists of a power source, connecting wires, and other components like bulbs or switches.

  • Power Source: Provides energy for the current, e.g., a battery or cell.
  • Conducting Wires: Made of materials like copper to carry current.
  • Load: A device that uses electricity, like a bulb or motor.
  • Switch: Used to control the circuit by opening or closing it.

  • Open Circuit: The path is broken, and electricity does not flow.
  • Closed Circuit: The path is complete, and electricity flows.
  • Series Circuit: All components are connected in a single path. If one part fails, the entire circuit stops working.
  • Parallel Circuit: Components are connected on multiple paths. If one path fails, others continue working.

  • Current flows from the positive terminal to the negative terminal of the battery through the circuit.

  • Conductors: Materials that allow current to flow easily, e.g., metals like copper and aluminum.
  • Insulators: Materials that do not allow current to flow, e.g., rubber, plastic, and wood.

  • A basic circuit can be made with a cell, wires, a bulb, and a switch.

  • Never touch electrical circuits with wet hands.
  • Use proper insulation to avoid shocks.
  • Always turn off power when working with circuits.

  • Used in household appliances, lighting, electronic devices, and vehicles.

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