Word problems with extra or missing information

Learn with an example

📢 Oliver took a train from Chesterton to Riverside by way of Watertown and Salem. The train went 10 kilometres from Chesterton to Watertown. 7 passengers got on at Watertown. It was 5 kilometres from Salem to Riverside.

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  • There is not enough information to solve this problem.

There is not enough information to solve this problem. You need to know how far it was from Watertown to Salem.

📢 Tessa took the train from Walnut City to Almondburg by way of Peanut Village and Pecan Harbour. The train went 20 kilometres from Walnut City to Peanut Village. It was 5 kilometres from Pecan Harbour to Almondburg.

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  • There is not enough information to solve this

There is not enough information to solve this problem. You need to know how far it was from Peanut Village to Pecan Harbour.

📢 Roger bought 8 large marbles and 13 bags of small marbles.

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  • There is not enough information to solve this

There is not enough information to solve this problem. You need to know how many marbles were in each bag.

Let’s practice!🖊️