Compare fractions with like and unlike denominators

  • Fractions with the same denominator are easier to compare because the denominator represents the total number of equal parts.
  • How to compare:
    • Compare the numerators directly (the bigger numerator represents the bigger fraction).
    • Example: Compare 3/7​ and 5/7​. Since both fractions have the same denominator, 5/7 is greater because 5 is larger than 3.

  • When the fractions have different denominators, you cannot directly compare them. You need to make the denominators the same.
  • How to compare:
    1. Find a common denominator: This is usually the least common denominator (LCD), which is the smallest multiple that both denominators share.
    2. Rewrite the fractions: Multiply the numerator and denominator of each fraction by a number that makes the denominators the same.
    3. Compare the numerators: Once the fractions have like denominators, compare the numerators.
  • Example: Compare 2/5​ and 3/8​:
    • The least common denominator of 5 and 8 is 40.

  • Before comparing fractions, simplify them if necessary to make the comparison easier.

  • You can also use visual models, such as fraction bars or circles, to help compare fractions. This is particularly useful for understanding why fractions with the same denominator are easier to compare.

  • Use the symbols < (less than), > (greater than), or = (equal to) to express the relationship between fractions after comparing them.

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