Understanding fractions: word problems
key notes:
- A fraction represents a part of a whole.
- The bottom of a fraction is the number of equal parts in the whole. It is called the denominator.
- The top of a fraction is the number of those equal parts you are talking about. It is called the numerator.
Learn with an example
Miranda is writing a story about her summer holiday. Miranda’s teacher says the story must be 5 pages long. Miranda writes 3 pages in class.
What fraction of the story does Miranda write in class?
The story is the whole.
Miranda’s story must be 5 pages long. The denominator of the fraction is 5.
5 number of equal parts in the whole
Miranda writes 3 pages in class. The numerator of the fraction is 3.
3/5 —> number of equal parts you are talking about
Miranda writes 3/5 of the story in class.
Brooke cuts an apple into 8 equal pieces and brings it outside to eat. But then she trips and drops 7 of the pieces in a mud puddle.
What fraction of the apple does Brooke drop in the puddle?
The apple is the whole.
Brooke cuts the apple into 8 equal pieces. The denominator of the fraction is 8.
8 number of equal parts in the whole
But then she trips and drops 7 of the pieces in a mud puddle. The numerator of the fraction is 7.
7/8 —> number of equal parts you are talking about
Brooke drops 7/8 of the apple in the puddle.
Stefan teaches swimming classes at Splash About Swim Centre. The swimming pool is divided into 5 equal lanes. When Stefan teaches his Saturday morning class, adults swim in 4 of the lanes.
What fraction of the pool is used by adults?
The pool is the whole.
The pool is divided into 5 equal lanes. The denominator of the fraction is 5.
5number of equal parts in the whole
When Stefan teaches his Saturday morning class, adults swim in 4 of the lanes. The numerator of the fraction is 4.
4number of equal parts you are talking
Adults use 4/5 of the pool.
Let’s practice!