• Maps are visual representations of places, showing locations and distances between points.
  • Decimal distances help measure real-world distances more accurately.
  • Example: A distance of 2.5 km on a map means 2 kilometers and 500 meters in real life.

  • Decimals represent parts of a kilometer, meter, or mile.
  • 1 km = 1000 meters, so 0.5 km = 500 meters and 0.25 km = 250 meters.
  • Example: If a map shows a 3.75 km distance, it means 3 km and 750 meters.

  • A map scale shows how distances on a map correspond to real-life distances.
  • Example: 1 cm = 0.5 km means every 1 cm on the map equals 0.5 km in real life.

  • To convert km to meters, multiply by 1000 (e.g., 1.2 km = 1200 meters).
  • To convert meters to km, divide by 1000 (e.g., 250 meters = 0.25 km).

  • Measure the distance between two points using a ruler.
  • Multiply by the scale to get the real-world distance.
  • Example: If the distance on the map is 4 cm and the scale is 1 cm = 2 km, the real distance is 4 × 2 = 8 km.

  • Used in road maps, GPS systems, and navigation apps.
  • Helps plan travel routes, hiking trips, and city navigation.

Let’s practice!