Add and subtract decimals: word problems

  • Decimals represent parts of a whole, using place values like tenths, hundredths, and thousandths.
  • Example: 3.45 means 3 ones, 4 tenths, and 5 hundredths.

Read the word problem carefully.

Identify numbers with decimals and the operation (addition or subtraction) required.

  • Addition: total, sum, altogether, in all
  • Subtraction: difference, how much more/less, left, remain
  • Write numbers vertically, ensuring the decimal points are aligned.
  • Add placeholder zeros if necessary to match decimal places.
  • Add or subtract like whole numbers.
  • Keep the decimal point in the same position in the answer.
  • Apply decimal operations to money, measurements, and distances.
  • Example: If a pencil costs $1.25 and an eraser costs $0.75, find the total cost.
  • Estimate before solving to check reasonableness.
  • Recalculate if the answer does not match expectations.

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