Use relative pronouns: who, whom, whose, which, and that
Key Notes:
1. What are Relative Pronouns?
- Relative pronouns are words used to connect clauses or phrases to a noun or pronoun in a sentence. They help give more information about the noun/pronoun.
- Examples: who, whom, whose, which, that.
2. Types of Relative Pronouns
- Who: Refers to people (subject).
- Example: The teacher who helped me is kind.
- Whom: Refers to people (object of the verb or preposition).
- Example: The student whom I met yesterday is my friend.
- Whose: Shows possession.
- Example: The girl whose book was lost is sad.
- Which: Refers to things or animals (not people).
- Example: The book which is on the table is mine.
- That: Refers to people, things, or animals (used in restrictive clauses).
- Example: The car that I bought is red.
3. Use in Sentences
- Who and whom are used for people:
- Example: The man who called you is waiting outside.
- Whom is less commonly used in everyday speech but can appear in formal writing.
- Which and that are used for things, animals, or ideas:
- Example: The book that you lent me was amazing.
- Whose is used for showing possession:
- Example: The dog whose collar is red is mine.
4. Usage Notes
- “That” is often preferred in restrictive clauses (where the information is essential):
- Example: The movie that we watched was exciting.
- “Which” is usually used in non-restrictive clauses (where the information is additional and separated by commas):
- Example: The movie, which we watched last night, was exciting.
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