Analogies: challenge

Key Notes :

  1. Definition:
    • Analogies are comparisons between two things that are alike in some way, often used to explain or clarify a concept.
  2. Purpose:
    • To develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
    • To enhance vocabulary and comprehension.

  1. Word Analogies:
    • Synonyms: Words that have similar meanings. (e.g., happy : joyful)
    • Antonyms: Words that have opposite meanings. (e.g., hot : cold)
    • Part to Whole: One word is a part of the other. (e.g., leaf : tree)
    • Cause and Effect: One word causes the effect of the other. (e.g., rain : flood)
    • Function: How one word functions or is used. (e.g., pencil : write)
  2. Visual Analogies:
    • Shape or Color: Identifying similarities in shapes or colors between images. (e.g., square : rectangle)
    • Size or Form: Comparing different forms or sizes. (e.g., cat : kitten)

  1. Identify the Relationship:
    • Determine the relationship between the first pair of words or images.
  2. Apply the Relationship:
    • Find the pair that has the same relationship as the first pair.
  3. Check Your Answer:
    • Ensure the relationship between the second pair matches the first.

  1. Word Analogies:
    • Dog : Bark :: Cat : Meow (The relationship is the sound each animal makes.)
    • Hot : Cold :: Day : Night (The relationship is opposites.)
  2. Visual Analogies:
    • Circle : Sphere :: Square : Cube (The relationship is 2D to 3D shapes.)
    • Red : Apple :: Yellow : Banana (The relationship is color to object.)

Let’s practice!🖊️