Which sentence matches the definition?

key notes:

Some words have more than one meaning.

Words that are spelled and pronounced the same way but have different meanings are called homonyms.

  • Jessica struck the match and held it against the tinder to start the campfire.
  • What color furniture would match the maroon carpet?

Words that are spelled the same way but have different pronunciations and meanings are called homographs.

  • The double bass is the largest string instrument in an orchestra.
    • In this sentence, bass rhymes with case.
  • Bass is a variety of spiny-finned freshwater and saltwater fish.
    • In this sentence, bass rhymes with grass.
  • EX:
  • The word shoulder has more than one meaning. 
  • shoulder means to accept and bear a burden or responsibility.
  • staple noun a short piece of wire bent to fasten papers
  • staple means a necessary item of food.

Learn with an example

✈️ Which sentence uses this meaning of breed? breed verb to cause an animal or plant to reproduce

  • That breed is known for being playful, quiet, and gentle.
  • Each year scientists breed new types of flowers and plants.
  • The word breed has more than one meaning. The question asks for this meaning:
  • breed verb to cause an animal or plant to reproduce
  • Consider the first answer choice.
  • That breed is known for being playful, quiet, and gentle.
  • Here, breed means a variety of dog or other animal. This is not the correct answer.
  • Consider the second answer choice.
  • Each year scientists breed new types of flowers and plants.
  • Here, breed means to cause an animal or plant to reproduce. This is the correct answer.

✈️ Which sentence uses this meaning of exhaust? exhaust noun the gases produced by a car

  • Did spending all day walking around exhaust you?
  • The pollution from the exhaust burned our eyes and made it hard to breathe.
  • The word exhaust has more than one meaning. The question asks for this meaning:
  • exhaust noun the gases produced by a car
  • Consider the first answer choice.
  • Did spending all day walking around exhaust you?
  • Here, exhaust means to make someone tired. This is not the correct answer.
  • Consider the second answer choice.
  • The pollution from the exhaust burned our eyes and made it hard to breathe.
  • Here, exhaust means the gases produced by a car. This is the correct answer.

✈️ Which sentence uses this meaning of concrete? concrete noun a grey building material made with cement

  • We can’t walk on the pavement because the concrete is still drying.
  • His fingerprints were concrete proof that he had opened the safe.
  • The word concrete has more than one meaning. The question asks for this meaning:
  • concrete noun a grey building material made with cement
  • Consider the first answer choice.
  • We can’t walk on the pavement because the concrete is still drying.
  • Here, concrete means a grey building material made with cement. This is the correct answer.
  • Consider the second answer choice.
  • His fingerprints were concrete proof that he had opened the safe.
  • Here, concrete means specific and real. This is not the correct answer.

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