List of Find synonyms in context
- Happy – Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
- Joyful, Content
- Angry – Feeling strong displeasure or rage.
- Furious, Irritated
- Fast – Moving or capable of moving at high speed.
- Quick, Speedy
- Slow – Moving at a low speed.
- Sluggish, Leisurely
- Smart – Showing intelligence or quick-wittedness.
- Clever, Bright
- Dull – Lacking interest or excitement.
- Boring, Uninteresting
- Big – Of considerable size or extent.
- Large, Huge
- Small – Of limited size or amount.
- Tiny, Compact
- Strong – Having great physical power or strength.
- Powerful, Robust
- Weak – Lacking strength or power.
- Fragile, Feeble
- Brave – Showing courage or determination.
- Courageous, Valiant
- Scared – Feeling frightened or worried.
- Afraid, Terrified
- Old – Having lived for a long time.
- Ancient, Aged
- Young – Having lived or existed for a short time.
- Youthful, Junior
- Bright – Giving out or reflecting a lot of light.
- Shiny, Radiant
- Dark – With little or no light.
- Dim, Shadowy
- Noisy – Making a lot of noise.
- Loud, Boisterous
- Quiet – Making little or no noise.
- Silent, Hushed
- Clean – Free from dirt or impurities.
- Neat, Spotless
- Dirty – Covered or marked with an unclean substance.
- Filthy, Grimy
- New – Recently created or acquired.
- Recent, Modern
- Old – Having been around for a long time.
- Aged, Antique
- Hard – Solid, firm, and difficult to break or bend.
- Tough, Rigid
- Soft – Easy to mold, cut, or compress.
- Gentle, Pliable
- Full – Containing as much as possible.
- Packed, Brimful
- Empty – Containing nothing.
- Vacant, Bare
- Happy – Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
- Joyful, Cheerful
- Sad – Feeling or showing sorrow.
- Unhappy, Sorrowful
- Warm – Having a high temperature.
- Hot, Mild
- Cool – Moderately cold.
- Chilly, Refreshing
- Young – Having lived or existed for a short time.
- Youthful, Immature
- Old – Having lived for a long time.
- Elderly, Ancient
- Large – Of considerable size or extent.
- Big, Enormous
- Tiny – Extremely small.
- Small, Minute
- Beautiful – Pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically.
- Attractive, Lovely
- Ugly – Unpleasant to look at.
- Unattractive, Plain
- Fast – Moving or capable of moving at high speed.
- Quick, Speedy
- Slow – Moving at a low speed.
- Leisurely, Sluggish
- Heavy – Of great weight.
- Weighty, Dense
- Light – Having little weight.
- Featherweight, Buoyant
- Excited – Feeling or showing happiness and enthusiasm.
- Thrilled, Elated
- Bored – Feeling weary and impatient because one is unoccupied or lacks interest.
- Uninterested, Weary
- Clean – Free from dirt or impurities.
- Spotless, Sanitary
- Messy – Untidy or dirty.
- Disorderly, Cluttered
- Loud – Producing a lot of noise.
- Noisy, Boisterous
- Soft – Easy to mold, cut, or compress.
- Gentle, Cuddly
- Tough – Strong enough to withstand adverse conditions or rough handling.
- Durable, Sturdy
- Gentle – Having or showing a mild, kind, or tender temperament.
- Kind, Mild
- Rich – Having a great deal of money or assets.
- Wealthy, Affluent
- Poor – Lacking sufficient money to live comfortably.
- Impoverished, Needy
- Hot – Having a high temperature.
- Warm, Scorching
- Cold – Having a low temperature.
- Chilly, Frosty
- Fresh – Recently made or obtained; not canned, frozen, or otherwise preserved.
- New, Crisp
- Stale – No longer fresh and pleasant to eat; hard, musty, or dry.
- Old, Spoiled
- Funny – Causing laughter or amusement.
- Amusing, Hilarious
- Serious – Demanding careful consideration or application.
- Solemn, Earnest
- Interesting – Arousing curiosity or interest.
- Fascinating, Engaging
- Dull – Lacking interest or excitement.
- Boring, Monotonous
- Kind – Having a friendly, generous, and considerate nature.
- Nice, Compassionate
- Mean – Unkind or spiteful.
- Nasty, Cruel
- Tall – Of great or more than average height.
- High, Lofty
- Short – Measuring a small distance from end to end.
- Petite, Compact
- Brave – Ready to face and endure danger or pain.
- Courageous, Fearless
- Cowardly – Lacking courage.
- Timid, Fearful
- Busy – Engaged in activity.
- Occupied, Active
- Free – Not under the control or in the power of another.
- Unrestricted, Independent
- Quiet – Making little or no noise.
- Silent, Peaceful
- Lively – Full of life and energy.
- Energetic, Vibrant
- Weak – Lacking strength or vigor.
- Fragile, Feeble
- Strong – Able to withstand force or pressure.
- Powerful, Sturdy
- Early – Happening or done before the usual or expected time.
- Timely, Prompt
- Late – Occurring after the expected or usual time.
- Delayed, Belated
- Smooth – Having an even and regular surface or consistency.
- Even, Polished
- Rough – Having an uneven or irregular surface.
- Coarse, Unrefined
- Sweet – Having a pleasant taste of sugar or honey.
- Sugary, Dulcet
- Sour – Having a sharp taste that is not sweet.
- Acidic, Tart
- Rich – Having a lot of money or valuable possessions.
- Affluent, Wealthy
- Poor – Lacking sufficient money to live comfortably.
- Impoverished, Destitute
- Bright – Giving off or reflecting a lot of light.
- Shiny, Radiant
- Dim – Not bright or clear.
- Faint, Gloomy
- Busy – Engaged in activity.
- Occupied, Active
- Idle – Not active or not engaged in work.
- Inactive, Unemployed
- Large – Of considerable size or extent.
- Big, Huge
- Small – Of limited size or amount.
- Tiny, Petite
- Sharp – Having a fine edge or point.
- Keen, Pointed
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