List of Determine the meanings of words with Greek and Latin roots
Words with Greek Roots:
- Aqua (Latin) – water
- Aquarium: A tank for aquatic animals and plants.
- Auto (Greek) – self
- Automatic: Working by itself with little or no human intervention.
- Bio (Greek) – life
- Biography: A written account of someone’s life.
- Chrono (Greek) – time
- Chronology: The arrangement of events in time.
- Demo (Greek) – people
- Democracy: A system of government by the whole population.
- Geo (Greek) – earth
- Geology: The study of the earth’s physical structure.
- Graph (Greek) – write, draw
- Autograph: A person’s own signature.
- Hydro (Greek) – water
- Hydrate: To supply water to something.
- Micro (Greek) – small
- Microscope: An instrument used to see small objects.
- Phobia (Greek) – fear
- Claustrophobia: Fear of confined spaces.
- Photo (Greek) – light
- Photography: The art of taking and processing photographs.
- Scribe (Latin) – write
- Describe: To give an account or representation of in words.
- Scope (Greek) – see
- Telescope: An instrument to see distant objects.
- Tele (Greek) – far
- Telephone: A device to communicate over long distances.
- Thermo (Greek) – heat
- Thermometer: An instrument for measuring temperature.
- Zoo (Greek) – animal
- Zoology: The study of animals.
- Graph (Greek) – write, draw
- Autograph: A person’s own signature.
- Logy (Greek) – study
- Biology: The study of living organisms.
- Meteor (Greek) – high in the air
- Meteorology: The study of weather and atmospheric conditions.
- Neuro (Greek) – nerve
- Neuroscience: The scientific study of the nervous system.
Words with Latin Roots:
- Act (Latin) – do
- Action: The process of doing something.
- Aud (Latin) – hear
- Audience: A group of people who listen to or watch something.
- Circum (Latin) – around
- Circumference: The distance around a circle.
- Clam (Latin) – shout
- Exclaim: To speak suddenly and loudly.
- Dict (Latin) – say
- Dictate: To speak or read aloud for someone to transcribe.
- Duct (Latin) – lead
- Conduct: To lead or guide.
- Form (Latin) – shape
- Transform: To change in form or appearance.
- Fort (Latin) – strong
- Fortify: To strengthen or protect.
- Ject (Latin) – throw
- Reject: To refuse to accept.
- Jur (Latin) – law
- Jurisdiction: The official power to make legal decisions.
- Lumin (Latin) – light
- Illuminate: To light up or make clear.
- Mit (Latin) – send
- Transmit: To send something from one place to another.
- Multi (Latin) – many
- Multitude: A large number of people or things.
- Port (Latin) – carry
- Transport: To carry something from one place to another.
- Rupt (Latin) – break
- Disrupt: To break apart or disturb.
- Script (Latin) – write
- Manuscript: A handwritten document.
- Sens (Latin) – feel
- Sensory: Relating to the senses.
- Spect (Latin) – look
- Spectacle: A visually striking performance or display.
- Struct (Latin) – build
- Construct: To build or assemble.
- Tact (Latin) – touch
- Contact: The state of physical touching.
- Temp (Latin) – time
- Temporary: Lasting for a limited period.
- Terr (Latin) – earth
- Territory: An area of land.
- Vid (Latin) – see
- Video: The recording or broadcasting of moving visual images.
- Voc (Latin) – voice
- Vocal: Related to the voice.
- Aqua (Latin) – water
- Aquatic: Relating to water.
- Cede (Latin) – go
- Concede: To admit or yield.
- Fac (Latin) – make
- Factory: A place where goods are made.
- Flu (Latin) – flow
- Fluid: A substance that flows.
- Grat (Latin) – pleasing
- Grateful: Feeling or showing thanks.
- Init (Latin) – begin
- Initiate: To start or begin.
- Medi (Latin) – middle
- Median: Relating to the middle position.
- Navi (Latin) – ship
- Navigate: To direct or manage a ship or course.
- Ped (Latin) – foot
- Pedestrian: Relating to walking.
- Prim (Latin) – first
- Primary: First in importance or rank.
- Sec (Latin) – cut
- Section: A distinct part of something.
- Tract (Latin) – pull
- Attract: To pull or draw towards.
- Un (Latin) – not
- Unhappy: Not happy.
- Val (Latin) – strength
- Valuable: Worth a lot or having great value.
- Vers (Latin) – turn
- Rehearse: To practice or go over something.
- Vid (Latin) – see
- Visual: Related to seeing or sight.
- Vita (Latin) – life
- Vital: Essential to life.
- Voc (Latin) – voice
- Vocation: A job or profession.
- Volv (Latin) – roll
- Revolve: To move in a circle around an axis.
- Bene (Latin) – good
- Beneficial: Resulting in good or advantage.
- Cap (Latin) – head
- Caption: A title or brief explanation.
- Cede (Latin) – go
- Precede: To come before.
- Clud (Latin) – close
- Include: To make part of.
- Doc (Latin) – teach
- Document: A written or printed record.
- Equ (Latin) – equal
- Equate: To consider as equal.
- Homo (Latin) – same
- Homogeneous: Of the same kind.
- Lingu (Latin) – language
- Linguistic: Related to language.
- Manu (Latin) – hand
- Manual: Done by hand.
- Ped (Latin) – foot
- Pedal: A foot-operated lever.
- Rect (Latin) – straight
- Correct: Free from mistakes.
- San (Latin) – health
- Sanitary: Related to health or cleanliness.
- Script (Latin) – write
- Inscribe: To write or engrave.
- Sign (Latin) – mark
- Significant: Having an important meaning.
- Tact (Latin) – touch
- Tactile: Related to the sense of touch.
- Voc (Latin) – voice
- Advocate: To speak or write in favor of.
- Audi (Latin) – hear
- Auditory: Related to hearing.
- Cogn (Latin) – know
- Recognize: To identify or know again.
- Fract (Latin) – break
- Fracture: A break or crack in something.
- Liber (Latin) – free
- Liberate: To set free.
- Mater (Latin) – mother
- Maternal: Related to motherhood.
- Ocular (Latin) – eye
- Ocular: Related to the eyes
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