1. Biology – The study of living organisms (bio- means life, -logy means study of).
  2. Geology – The study of the Earth’s structure (geo- means Earth, -logy means study of).
  3. Astronomy – The study of stars and planets (astro- means star, -nomy means law or study of).
  4. Photosynthesis – The process by which plants make food using sunlight (photo- means light, -synthesis means putting together).
  5. Microscope – An instrument used to see small things (micro- means small, -scope means view or look).
  6. Telegraph – A device for sending messages over long distances (tele- means far, -graph means writing).
  7. Autograph – A person’s own signature (auto- means self, -graph means writing).
  8. Hydrate – A compound that includes water (hydro- means water, -ate means containing).
  9. Thermometer – An instrument for measuring temperature (thermo- means heat, -meter means measure).
  10. Sympathy – Feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else (sym- means together, -pathy means feeling).
  11. Homophone – Words that sound the same but have different meanings (homo- means same, -phone means sound).
  12. Pseudonym – A false name used by an author (pseudo- means false, -nym means name).
  13. Chromatic – Relating to colors (chroma- means color, -ic means pertaining to).
  14. Biodegradable – Capable of being decomposed by bacteria (bio- means life, -degradable means able to break down).
  15. Nautical – Related to ships or sailing (naut- means ship, -ical means pertaining to).
  16. Thermostat – A device for regulating temperature (thermo- means heat, -stat means to stand or maintain).
  17. Ecosystem – A community of interacting organisms and their environment (eco- means house or environment, -system means system).
  18. Mammal – A type of animal that nurses its young (mamm- means breast, -al means pertaining to).
  19. Endangered – At risk of extinction (en- means in or within, -dangered means exposed to danger).
  20. Meteorology – The study of weather (meteor- means high in the air, -logy means study of).
  21. Graphite – A form of carbon used in pencils (graph- means to write, -ite means a type of mineral).
  22. Cauterize – To burn the skin to stop bleeding (caut- means to burn, -ize means to make or become).
  23. Philanthropy – The desire to promote the welfare of others (phil- means love, -anthropy means humanity).
  24. Audible – Able to be heard (aud- means hear, -ible means able to).
  25. Democracy – A system of government by the people (demo- means people, -cracy means rule).
  26. Microwave – An electromagnetic wave used in cooking (micro- means small, -wave means wave).
  27. Genetics – The study of heredity and variation in organisms (gen- means birth or origin, -etics means related to).
  28. Cardiology – The study of the heart (cardio- means heart, -logy means study of).
  29. Hologram – A three-dimensional image (holo- means whole, -gram means writing or picture).
  30. Aphorism – A concise statement of a general truth (aphor- means to say, -ism means belief or doctrine).
  31. Hypothesis – A proposed explanation based on limited evidence (hypo- means under, -thesis means position or proposition).
  32. Thermometer – Measures temperature (thermo- means heat, -meter means measure).
  33. Chronology – The science of arranging events in their order of occurrence (chrono- means time, -logy means study of).
  34. Anatomy – The study of the structure of organisms (ana- means up or through, -tomy means cutting).
  35. Biography – A written account of someone’s life (bio- means life, -graphy means writing).
  36. Symmetry – Balanced proportions (sym- means together, -metry means measure).
  37. Bilingual – Able to speak two languages (bi- means two, -lingual means language).
  38. Antibiotic – A substance used to kill bacteria (anti- means against, -biotic means life).
  39. Submarine – A vessel that operates underwater (sub- means under, -marine means sea).
  40. Aquarium – A place where aquatic animals are kept (aqua- means water, -arium means place).
  41. Migration – Movement from one place to another (migr- means to move, -ation means action).
  42. Telephone – A device for transmitting sound over distances (tele- means far, -phone means sound).
  43. Euphoria – A feeling of intense happiness (eu- means good, -phoria means bearing).
  44. Oxygen – A chemical element essential for respiration (oxy- means sharp or acid, -gen means born of).
  45. Metaphor – A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object (meta- means beyond, -phor means to carry).
  46. Paleontology – The study of fossils (paleo- means ancient, -ology means study of).
  47. Parasite – An organism that lives on or in another organism (para- means beside, -site means place).
  48. Endoscope – An instrument used to view inside the body (endo- means within, -scope means look).
  49. Digital – Relating to fingers or numbers (digit- means finger or number, -al means pertaining to).
  50. Literature – Written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit (liter- means letter, -ature means related to).
  51. Aqueduct – A structure for conveying water (aqua- means water, -duct means to lead).
  52. Dendrology – The study of trees (dendro- means tree, -logy means study of).
  53. Monologue – A long speech by one person (mono- means one, -logue means speech).
  54. Antidote – A remedy for counteracting a poison (anti- means against, -dote means given).
  55. Photosynthesis – Process by which plants make their food using light (photo- means light, -synthesis means combining).
  56. Geography – The study of the Earth’s physical features (geo- means Earth, -graphy means writing or description).
  57. Respiration – The process of breathing (re- means again, -spir- means to breathe).
  58. Protagonist – The main character in a story (proto- means first, -agonist means actor or contestant).
  59. Hygiene – Practices to maintain health (hygie- means health, -ne means related to).
  60. Insect – An animal with a segmented body (in- means within, -sect means cut).
  61. Nonchalant – Showing indifference (non- means not, -chalant means concerned).
  62. Chronometer – An instrument for measuring time (chrono- means time, -meter means measure).
  63. Endanger – To put at risk (en- means in, -danger means risk).
  64. Meteor – A streak of light in the sky (meteor- means high in the air).
  65. Geothermal – Related to the heat from the Earth (geo- means Earth, -thermal means heat).
  66. Circumference – The distance around a circle (circum- means around, -ference means carry).
  67. Periscope – An optical instrument for viewing from an obstructed position (peri- means around, -scope means view).
  68. Acrobat – A performer who works on high wires (acro- means high, -bat means to walk).
  69. Auditory – Related to hearing (aud- means hear, -itory means related to).
  70. Dynamite – An explosive used in blasting (dynam- means power, -ite means type of mineral).
  71. Laboratory – A place for scientific work (labor- means work, -atory means place).
  72. Celsius – A scale of temperature (Celsius is named after a person, Anders Celsius).
  73. Vaccine – A substance used to stimulate immunity (vacc- means cow, -ine means pertaining to).
  74. Inscription – Words written or carved on something (in- means into, -scription means writing).
  75. Paleontology – The study of ancient life (paleo- means ancient, -ology means study of).