List of Use the meanings of words as clues to the meanings of Greek and Latin roots
Greek and Latin Roots List
- Bicycle (bi- two, cycle- wheel) – A vehicle with two wheels.
- Unicorn (uni- one, corn- horn) – A mythical creature with one horn.
- Photograph (photo- light, graph- write) – A picture made using light.
- Telegraph (tele- far, graph- write) – A system for sending messages over long distances.
- Microphone (micro- small, phone- sound) – A device that amplifies small sounds.
- Autograph (auto- self, graph- write) – A person’s own signature.
- Symphony (sym- together, phone- sound) – A long piece of music for an orchestra.
- Geometry (geo- earth, metry- measure) – The study of shapes and spaces on Earth.
- Thermometer (thermo- heat, meter- measure) – An instrument to measure temperature.
- Harmonic (harmon- music, ic- pertaining to) – Related to harmony in music.
- Biography (bio- life, graph- write) – A written account of someone’s life.
- Aquarium (aqua- water, ium- place) – A place for keeping aquatic animals.
- Helicopter (helix- spiral, pter- wing) – A flying machine with rotating blades.
- Meteorology (meteor- weather, logy- study) – The study of weather and climate.
- Dinosaur (dino- terrible, saur- lizard) – A prehistoric reptile.
- Pseudonym (pseudo- false, onym- name) – A false or fictitious name used by an author.
- Cardiology (cardio- heart, logy- study) – The study of the heart and its diseases.
- Astronomy (astro- star, nomy- law) – The study of stars and planets.
- Chronology (chrono- time, logy- study) – The study of time and historical events.
- Telephone (tele- far, phone- sound) – A device for communicating over distances.
- Biology (bio- life, logy- study) – The study of living organisms.
- Geology (geo- earth, logy- study) – The study of Earth’s physical structure.
- Epidemic (epi- upon, demic- people) – A widespread occurrence of a disease.
- Aqueduct (aqua- water, duct- lead) – A structure for conveying water.
- Polygraph (poly- many, graph- write) – A machine that records physiological responses.
- Psychology (psycho- mind, logy- study) – The study of the mind and behavior.
- Monologue (mono- one, log- speech) – A long speech by one person.
- Prehistoric (pre- before, historic- history) – The period before written history.
- Microscope (micro- small, scope- see) – An instrument for viewing tiny objects.
- Thermostat (thermo- heat, stat- stand) – A device for regulating temperature.
- Neologism (neo- new, logism- word) – A newly coined word or expression.
- Polytechnic (poly- many, technic- skill) – Relating to many technical arts.
- Homonym (homo- same, onym- name) – A word that sounds the same but has different meanings.
- Ambidextrous (ambi- both, dextrous- right) – Able to use both hands equally well.
- Linguistics (lingu- language, istics- study) – The scientific study of language.
- Omnivore (omni- all, vore- eat) – An animal that eats both plants and animals.
- Hydraulic (hydro- water, aulic- pertaining to) – Related to the movement of water.
- Submarine (sub- under, marine- sea) – A vessel that operates underwater.
- Anomaly (a- not, nomaly- normal) – Something that deviates from the norm.
- Geography (geo- earth, graphy- write) – The study of Earth’s surface and environments.
- Television (tele- far, vision- sight) – A device for seeing distant images.
- Circumference (circum- around, ference- carry) – The distance around a circle.
- Antidote (anti- against, dote- give) – A remedy to counteract poison.
- Solarium (sol- sun, ium- place) – A room or glasshouse exposed to sunlight.
- Polytheism (poly- many, theism- gods) – Belief in many gods.
- Hypothesis (hypo- under, thesis- position) – An educated guess or theory.
- Astronaut (astro- star, naut- sailor) – A person trained to travel in space.
- Subordinate (sub- under, ordinate- rank) – Lower in rank or position.
- Pediatrician (ped- child, iatrician- healer) – A doctor specializing in children’s health.
- Monotheism (mono- one, theism- god) – Belief in a single god.
- Euphoria (eu- good, phoria- carry) – A feeling of intense happiness.
- Decade (deca- ten, ade- period) – A period of ten years.
- Philanthropy (phil- love, anthropy- people) – The act of donating to help others.
- Thermometer (thermo- heat, meter- measure) – A device for measuring temperature.
- Rejuvenate (re- again, juven- young) – To make young again.
- Biodegradable (bio- life, degradable- capable of being broken down) – Capable of being decomposed by bacteria.
- Hemisphere (hemi- half, sphere- globe) – Half of the Earth or a sphere.
- Epiphany (epi- upon, phany- appearance) – A sudden realization or insight.
- Hydrogen (hydro- water, gen- creator) – A chemical element that forms water when combined with oxygen.
- Dermatology (derma- skin, logy- study) – The study of skin and its diseases.
- Cacophony (caco- bad, phony- sound) – A harsh, discordant mixture of sounds.
- Eccentric (ec- out, centric- center) – Deviating from the normal or expected.
- Dynamic (dyna- power, mic- pertaining to) – Characterized by constant change or activity.
- Magnify (magni- large, fy- make) – To make something appear larger.
- Anthropology (anthrop- human, logy- study) – The study of human societies and cultures.
- Phobia (phob- fear, ia- condition) – An irrational fear of something.
- Vocalize (vocal- voice, ize- make) – To produce sounds with the voice.
- Chronometer (chrono- time, meter- measure) – A device for measuring time precisely.
- Incredible (in- not, cred- believe) – Impossible to believe.
- Dialect (dia- across, lect- speak) – A particular form of a language.
- Gravity (grav- heavy, ity- quality) – The force that attracts objects toward the center of the Earth.
- Bibliography (biblio- book, graphy- write) – A list of books and articles used in research.
- Pathology (patho- disease, logy- study) – The study of disease.
- Omnipotent (omni- all, potent- powerful) – Having unlimited power.
- Telescope (tele- far, scope- see) – An instrument for viewing distant objects.
- Hologram (holo- whole, gram- picture) – A three-dimensional image formed by light.
- Decipher (de- down, cipher- code) – To convert a coded message into normal language.
- Philanthropy (phil- love, anthropy- people) – The desire to promote the welfare of others.
- Metamorphosis (meta- change, morph- form) – A transformation or change in form.
- Odyssey (odys- journey) – A long and adventurous journey.
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