1. Bicycle (bi- two, cycle- circle) – A vehicle with two wheels.
  2. Photograph (photo- light, graph- write) – A picture made using light.
  3. Telephone (tele- far, phone- sound) – A device for talking to someone far away.
  4. Autograph (auto- self, graph- write) – A person’s own signature.
  5. Microscope (micro- small, scope- view) – An instrument used to view small objects.
  6. Television (tele- far, vis- see) – A device for viewing distant images and sounds.
  7. Graphite (graph- write) – A form of carbon used in pencils.
  8. Geometry (geo- earth, metry- measure) – The branch of mathematics involving shapes and sizes.
  9. Pseudonym (pseudo- false, onym- name) – A false name used by an author.
  10. Aquarium (aqua- water) – A place where aquatic plants and animals are kept.
  11. Hydrate (hydro- water) – A compound that contains water.
  12. Biography (bio- life, graph- write) – A written account of someone’s life.
  13. Thermometer (thermo- heat, meter- measure) – An instrument for measuring temperature.
  14. Dentist (dent- tooth) – A doctor who takes care of teeth.
  15. Transport (trans- across, port- carry) – To carry something from one place to another.
  16. Astronaut (astro- star, naut- sailor) – A person who travels in space.
  17. Invisible (in- not, vis- see) – Not able to be seen.
  18. Submarine (sub- under, marine- sea) – A vessel that operates underwater.
  19. Geometry (geo- earth, metry- measure) – The mathematics of shapes and sizes.
  20. Hydrology (hydro- water, logy- study) – The study of water.
  21. Thermal (therm- heat) – Related to heat.
  22. Chronology (chrono- time, logy- study) – The study of time and order of events.
  23. Microwave (micro- small, wave) – An electromagnetic wave with a short wavelength.
  24. Pedestrian (ped- foot) – A person walking on foot.
  25. Antibiotic (anti- against, bio- life) – A medicine that fights bacterial infections.
  26. Paleontology (paleo- ancient, ontology- study) – The study of fossils and prehistoric life.
  27. Geology (geo- earth, logy- study) – The study of the Earth’s structure and substances.
  28. Metaphor (meta- beyond, phor- carry) – A figure of speech comparing two unlike things.
  29. Pluto (Pluto- god of the underworld) – The name of a dwarf planet and ancient Roman god.
  30. Telegraph (tele- far, graph- write) – A system for sending messages over long distances.
  31. Symphony (sym- together, phony- sound) – A long piece of music played by an orchestra.
  32. Thermostat (thermo- heat, stat- stand) – A device that controls temperature.
  33. Astronomy (astro- star, nomy- law) – The study of celestial objects and space.
  34. Automatic (auto- self, mat- make) – Operating by itself without human intervention.
  35. Democracy (demo- people, cracy- rule) – A system of government by the people.
  36. Energy (en- in, erg- work) – The capacity to do work.
  37. Homophone (homo- same, phone- sound) – Words that sound the same but have different meanings.
  38. Neon (neon- new) – A colorless, odorless gas used in neon signs.
  39. Polygon (poly- many, gon- angle) – A shape with many angles and sides.
  40. Psychology (psycho- mind, logy- study) – The study of the mind and behavior.
  41. Epicenter (epi- upon, center- middle) – The point on the Earth’s surface directly above an earthquake.
  42. Benevolent (bene- good, volent- wish) – Showing kindness and goodwill.
  43. Fortify (fort- strong) – To strengthen or secure.
  44. Dehydrate (de- remove, hydrate- water) – To remove water from something.
  45. Helicopter (helix- spiral, pter- wing) – A vehicle that flies using rotating blades.
  46. Hypothesis (hypo- under, thesis- placing) – A proposed explanation made on limited evidence.
  47. Hydroplane (hydro- water, plane- glide) – A boat that skims over the surface of water.
  48. Aqueduct (aqua- water, duct- lead) – A channel used to carry water.
  49. Unicorn (uni- one, corn- horn) – A mythical creature with a single horn.
  50. Monologue (mono- one, log- speech) – A long speech by one person.
  51. Omnivore (omni- all, vore- eater) – An animal that eats both plants and animals.
  52. Reptile (rept- creep) – A cold-blooded vertebrate animal.
  53. Telescope (tele- far, scope- view) – An instrument used to view distant objects.
  54. Vocal (voc- voice) – Related to the voice or speaking.
  55. Centipede (centi- hundred, pede- foot) – An insect with many legs.
  56. Dentition (dent- tooth, tion- action) – The arrangement of teeth.
  57. Ecosystem (eco- house, system- set) – A system of interacting organisms and their environment.
  58. Inscription (in- into, scribe- write) – Words written or carved into a surface.
  59. Microscope (micro- small, scope- view) – An instrument for viewing very small objects.
  60. Biology (bio- life, logy- study) – The study of living organisms.
  61. Phobia (phob- fear) – An irrational fear of something.
  62. Geothermal (geo- earth, thermal- heat) – Related to heat from the Earth’s interior.
  63. Aquatic (aqua- water) – Related to water.
  64. Plasma (plasm- form) – The liquid part of blood or a state of matter.
  65. Eradicate (e- out, radic- root) – To completely destroy or remove.
  66. Biography (bio- life, graph- write) – A detailed description of someone’s life.
  67. Automobile (auto- self, mobile- move) – A vehicle that moves on its own.
  68. Chlorophyll (chloro- green, phyll- leaf) – A green pigment in plants.
  69. Hypothermia (hypo- under, therm- heat) – A condition of dangerously low body temperature.
  70. Nucleus (nucle- kernel) – The central part of a cell containing genetic material.
  71. Supernatural (super- above, natural- nature) – Beyond the laws of nature.
  72. Spectacle (spect- see) – An impressive display or performance.
  73. Synthesis (syn- together, thesis- placing) – Combining parts to form a whole.
  74. Ultrasonic (ultra- beyond, sonic- sound) – Sound waves beyond the range of human hearing.
  75. Bilingual (bi- two, lingual- language) – Able to speak two languages.
  76. Psychic (psych- mind) – Relating to the mind or soul; beyond normal perception.
  77. Microorganism (micro- small, organism- living thing) – A tiny living thing, usually a single cell.
  78. Imposter (im- not, poster- one who stands) – A person who pretends to be someone else.
  79. Oxygen (oxy- sharp, gen- produce) – A gas essential for respiration.
  80. Reconstruct (re- again, struct- build) – To build something again.

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