1. Preheat: To heat before
  2. Preview: To view before
  3. Pretest: A test before the main test
  4. Precaution: A measure taken before to prevent something
  5. Prepare: To make ready before
  6. Predict: To say what will happen before it occurs
  7. Prehistoric: Relating to the time before recorded history
  8. Premature: Happening before the proper time
  9. Preschool: A school for young children before they start regular school
  10. Prefix: A word part added to the beginning of a word
  11. Prepay: To pay for something before it is due
  12. Prearrange: To arrange beforehand
  13. Prevent: To stop something from happening before it occurs
  14. Preapprove: To approve something before it happens
  15. Preserve: To keep something in its original state before it deteriorates
  16. Preoccupied: Being focused on something before doing other things
  17. Prejudice: An opinion formed before having all the facts
  18. Precondition: A condition that must be met before something else happens
  19. Premiere: The first performance or showing of a play, film, etc.
  20. Preclude: To prevent something from happening by taking action beforehand
  21. Preconceived: Formed before having evidence for its truth or usefulness
  22. Predefine: To define in advance
  23. Precook: To cook beforehand
  24. Predetermine: To decide or establish something in advance
  25. Preempt: To take action to prevent an event from happening
  26. Preexisting: Existing before a particular point in time
  27. Prefabricate: To manufacture sections of a building in advance
  28. Preflight: Before a flight
  29. Prehistoric: Before recorded history
  30. Prelaunch: Before the official launch
  31. Prelaw: Before studying law
  32. Preliterate: Before the development of writing
  33. Premeditate: To plan or consider beforehand
  34. Prenatal: Before birth
  35. Preoccupy: To occupy beforehand or in advance
  36. Preorder: To order in advance
  37. Preplan: To plan beforehand
  38. Preprogram: To program in advance
  39. Preread: To read beforehand
  40. Prerequisite: Required before something else can happen
  41. Presage: To indicate or warn in advance
  42. Preschooler: A child who is in preschool
  43. Presell: To sell in advance
  44. Preshrink: To shrink a fabric before making a garment
  45. Preset: To set in advance
  46. Presoak: To soak before washing
  47. Presume: To take for granted before knowing the facts
  48. Presumption: An assumption made beforehand
  49. Preteen: A child who is just under 13 years old
  50. Pretreat: To treat beforehand
  51. Pretrial: Before a trial
  52. Prewarn: To warn beforehand
  53. Prewash: To wash before the main wash
  54. Preworkout: Before a workout
  55. Prejudge: To judge before having adequate evidence
  56. Prearranged: Arranged in advance
  57. Precautionary: Intended to prevent something from happening
  58. Preclinical: Before clinical trials
  59. Preconditioned: Conditioned in advance
  60. Predawn: Before dawn
  61. Predecision: Decision made in advance
  62. Predevelopment: Development before the main project
  63. Predispose: To make someone inclined to something beforehand
  64. Predominant: Being the most noticeable or largest in number
  65. Preeminent: Surpassing all others; very distinguished in some way
  66. Prefecture: A district under the government of a prefect
  67. Preformation: The belief that organisms develop from miniature versions of themselves
  68. Pregame: Before a game
  69. Prehension: The action of grasping or seizing
  70. Prehistoric: Relating to the period before written records
  71. Preliterate: Before the development of writing
  72. Preload: To load beforehand
  73. Preloved: Used; secondhand
  74. Premeditated: Thought out or planned beforehand
  75. Preeminence: Superiority to all others
  76. Preoperative: Before surgery
  77. Preoptic: In front of the optic chiasma
  78. Preordain: To decide or determine an outcome in advance
  79. Prepacked: Packed before being sold
  80. Prepossess: To preoccupy the mind of (someone) to the exclusion of other thoughts
  81. Preponderance: The quality or fact of being greater in number, quantity, or importance
  82. Preposition: A word placed before a noun or pronoun
  83. Prerecord: To record in advance
  84. Prescript: An authoritative direction or instruction
  85. Preside: To be in charge of a meeting, event, etc.
  86. Prestige: Widespread respect and admiration felt for someone or something on the basis of a perception of their achievements or quality
  87. Presumptive: Of the nature of a presumption; presumed in the absence of further information
  88. Pretentious: Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed
  89. Preternatural: Beyond what is normal or natural
  90. Pretest: A test given before the main test to assess initial knowledge
  91. Prevail: Prove more powerful than opposing forces; be victorious
  92. Prevalent: Widespread in a particular area at a particular time
  93. Prevaricate: Speak or act in an evasive way
  94. Preventative: Designed to keep something undesirable such as illness or harm from occurring
  95. Previewer: A person who previews something
  96. Prewire: Wire in advance
  97. Prey: An animal that is hunted and killed by another for food
  98. Preyful: Full of prey
  99. Preyless: Without prey
  100. Prebiotic: Existing or occurring before the emergence of life