Use personification

  • Personification is a literary device where human qualities are given to non-human objects, animals, or ideas.
  • It helps make descriptions more interesting and vivid.

  • The sun smiled down on us.
  • The wind whispered through the trees.
  • The angry storm pounded on the roof.
  • The flowers danced in the breeze.

  • Makes writing more imaginative.
  • Helps readers visualize scenes better.
  • Creates an emotional connection between the reader and the text.

Look for verbs or actions that describe:

  • Nature (sun, wind, rain)
  • Animals
  • Objects (cars, clocks, buildings)
  • Abstract ideas (love, fear, time)

  1. Choose an object, animal, or idea.
  2. Think of a human action or feeling.
  3. Combine them in a sentence.

  • The clock refused to move as the class dragged on.
  • Fear knocked on the door of his heart.

Write sentences using personification for the following:

  • Moon
  • River
  • Tree
  • Fire

✅ Personification makes stories fun, creative, and memorable!

Let’s practice!