In the following passage, a boy named Alistair has joined a group of strangers whom he met while travelling. Select the best evidence to support the statement that Alistair is not particularly brave for his age.

If the men had intended to harm him, then they could have done it already. Alistair wasn’t as strong or as fearsome as a bull. Even for a twelve-year-old boy—which is what he was, after all—he was considered timid.

At the edge of the forest, the group passed by an enormous blackened tree stump. It was even thicker than the sequoias Alistair had seen during a family trip out west, and though he wanted to examine it closer, the tall man advised against it.


#1. In the following passage, a boy named Alistair has joined a group of strangers whom he met while travelling. Select the best evidence to support the statement that Alistair is not particularly brave for his age.
