Use dashes

key notes :

  • A dash (—) is a punctuation mark used to create emphasis or separate ideas in a sentence. It is longer than a hyphen (-).

  • Em Dash (—): Used to create a strong break or interruption in a sentence. It can replace commas, parentheses, or colons for emphasis.
  • En Dash (–): Shorter than an em dash, usually used to show a range (e.g., 2020–2024).

  • To Add Emphasis:
    Example: She was late — again!
  • To Set Off Extra Information (Like Parentheses):
    Example: My brother — who just turned 10 — loves video games.
  • To Replace a Colon:
    Example: There’s only one thing left to do — run!

  • Do not overuse em dashes. Too many can make writing seem choppy.
  • Em dashes can be used to add dramatic flair or to emphasize key points.

  • Used to show a span or range between numbers or dates.
    Example: The meeting is scheduled for 2:00–3:00 PM.

  • In formal writing, em dashes are usually written without spaces on either side.

  • Don’t use dashes in place of proper punctuation like periods or commas when the sentence doesn’t need emphasis or an abrupt break.

let’s practice!