Read and understand informational passages
Key notes:
- Active Reading: Teach students to actively engage with the text. This includes techniques like previewing the text (skimming titles, subtitles, and pictures), asking questions before reading, and making predictions about the content.
- Comprehension Strategies: Introduce various comprehension strategies such as summarizing, making connections (text-to-self, text-to-text, text-to-world), visualizing, and asking clarifying questions. These strategies aid in better understanding the material.
- Vocabulary Building: Focus on teaching students how to identify and understand new vocabulary. Encourage the use of context clues and other strategies to decipher unfamiliar words.
- Text Structure Awareness: Help students recognize different text structures, such as cause and effect, problem-solution, sequence, and compare-contrast. Understanding these structures assists in organizing information and making it easier to comprehend.
- Note-Taking Skills: Teach effective note-taking strategies. Encourage students to jot down important points, create outlines, or use graphic organizers to summarize key information.
- Critical Thinking and Inference: Guide students in making inferences from the text. Encourage them to ask questions, evaluate information critically, and draw conclusions based on evidence from the passage.
- Practice and Feedback: Regular practice with diverse reading materials and providing feedback is crucial. Engaging with a variety of texts allows students to apply their skills across different subjects and topics.
- Reading Comprehension Activities: Implement activities like group discussions, Q&A sessions, and projects based on the readings to encourage engagement and application of learned strategies.
Learn with an example
Read the text.
Quino Checkerspot Butterflies: Small, but Mighty
A century ago, millions of Quino checkerspot butterflies—their wings chequered with cheery red-orange, yellow, white and brown spots—swarmed the skies above Southern California in the United States. They thrived in the dry, scrubby landscape along the coast. Each about the size of a paper clip, the Quinos hatched in great numbers each spring.
Towards the end of the twentieth century, however, the development of farms and cities in the Los Angeles and San Diego areas in the state of California drastically reduced the butterfly’s habitat. By 1997, the Quino checkerspot population had declined to a tiny fraction of its historical numbers. That year, the United States designated the Quino checkerspot an endangered species.
The Quino’s situation continued to worsen. Many scientists believed it would soon be extinct. Wildfires burned much of its habitat, and temperatures were getting warmer and drier, making the environment more hostile to much of the flora in the area. These developments adversely affected the butterfly’s host plant, Plantago erecta, a small flowering plant commonly called the California plantain or dwarf plantain.
Scientists knew that Quino caterpillars relied on the dwarf plantain as a food source. Each spring, the adult female butterflies laid eggs on dwarf plantains. When the caterpillars hatched, they fed on the plantain leaves. However, in the hot, dry Southern California summer, the dwarf plantains wilted and died off. When this happened, the caterpillars responded by entering a state called diapause. They curled up into a ball and essentially stopped or slowed all bodily functions, just waiting for conditions to improve. Then, when normal winter rains came and the plantains bloomed again, the caterpillars revived and resumed eating. Once they’d grown large enough, the caterpillars entered the final stages of their life cycle, forming pupae and emerging as adult butterflies. This strategy worked well in most years, but as average temperatures rose and rainfall decreased, the plantains began dying earlier in the summer. The caterpillars weren’t getting sufficient food, and fewer developed into butterflies.
Biologists observed the situation with concern. Some recommended developing plans for ‘assisted colonisation’, or moving groups of the Quinos to new habitats where the plantains were healthier. But then the butterflies responded to the food shortage on their own. They set off for greener pastures.
Because the area where they lived was surrounded by developed cities and desert landscapes, the Quinos had limited options. They took off anyway, flying eastwards into the hills. They landed in mountainous open spaces east of the cities of Los Angeles and San Diego. They found no dwarf plantains there, but the Quinos adapted. The females began laying their eggs on the leaves of other plants, primarily the Collinsia concolor. These plants remained green longer into the summer months. When the caterpillars hatched, they successfully fed on the Collinsia leaves and enjoyed a longer feeding season. Quino checkerspots survived, and their numbers grew in their new home.
Scientists in the field were surprised when they began encountering numerous Quino checkerspots in the eastern hills. They were cheered to learn that these small insects had adapted to changing conditions. The Quinos demonstrated the resilience needed to survive by finding not only a new habitat, but a new food source, too.
Meanwhile, scientists at the San Diego Zoo had been raising Quino caterpillars in a laboratory as part of an effort to save the species from extinction. Working with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, they released hundreds of caterpillars into protected areas around San Diego, hoping to rebuild the Quinos’ population in their historical range. Between the efforts of dedicated entomologists and the butterflies’ own actions, more of those colourfully chequered wings may soon be seen fluttering above the Southern California skies.
What is the text about?
It is about the history of the development of farms and cities in the US state of California.
It is about changes over time in the Quino checkerspot butterfly population.
It is about a conservation programme that saved the Quino checkerspot butterfly.
The text is about changes over time in the Quino checkerspot butterfly population.
The text says there were millions of Quinos a century ago, but their numbers declined steeply because of loss of habitat and changing conditions. It explains how, after reaching the brink of extinction, the butterflies’ numbers started to climb again.
Let’s practice!
Read the text.
Arjun’s Apps
One stormy day, twelve-year-old Arjun Kumar was late getting home from school. It had been raining heavily near his school in Chennai, India. This delayed his school bus, and when he finally arrived, Arjun’s parents were worried and upset.
His parents’ concern gave Arjun an idea—he’d write an app. An app (or application) is a software program that tells an electronic device how to do a certain task. Most of Arjun’s classmates and their parents owned smartphones. The apps on these devices enabled them to do many things: get directions to a shop, connect to online games, share photos or track sports scores.
But there wasn’t an app to tell parents the location of their children’s school bus. Arjun decided to create one himself. He had loved technology since he was a toddler; back then, his parents piled cushions on a chair so Arjun could reach the computer. He’d recently started writing computer programs, so he felt ready to tackle an app.
While researching different ways to write apps, Arjun located an online programming tool on the website of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a respected university in the United States. MIT was making the tool, called App Inventor, available free to anyone who wanted to use it.
Using App Inventor, Arjun created an app for schools, parents and students, which he named Ez School Bus Locator. If a school incorporated this app into its bus system, parents could log on to see the locations and estimated arrival times of their children’s school buses. Like other mapping apps, Ez School Bus Locator relied on the Global Positioning System, or GPS. GPS helps users determine their location, based on signals from a set of twenty-four satellites that orbit Earth. GPS-based apps calculate the location of a device by measuring the distances from three different GPS satellites. That’s how Arjun’s app determined where the buses were located.
The app could also confirm whether individual children were on the bus. Ez School Bus Locator used a specific barcode (a pattern of parallel lines) to identify each student. Just as the barcode on a product label identifies the product and price when a cashier scans it at the checkout counter, the student barcodes identified individual students. Students checked in when they got on and off the bus by using barcodes on their phones. As the bus driver drove, the app sent automatic messages to parents and guardians.
Does Ez School Bus Locator sound like a good idea? MIT thought so. In 2012, MIT held a contest to honour the best apps that had been created using App Inventor. Arjun’s app won first place in the division for children fourteen years old and younger, and Arjun convinced his school to try the app that same year. In 2013, the app was available for purchase online.
Arjun didn’t stop there. Since 2013, he has updated the application and worked to make it available free of charge. Arjun also continued developing new apps, including one that linked people who needed help after a flood with volunteers who wanted to help them. He even started his own software development company. When asked for pointers for other young inventors, Arjun advised, ‘Look for problems around you, and get inspired from them. You’ll see a lot of opportunities to use your skills to make this world a better place to live!’