Identify prepositions
Key Notes:
1. Definition of Prepositions:
A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and another word in the sentence.
Prepositions indicate time, place, direction, or manner.
2. Common Prepositions:
Time: at, on, in, during, before, after
- Example: We will meet at 3 PM.
Place: in, on, at, under, over, near, between, behind
- Example: The book is on the table.
Direction: to, from, toward, through, across
- Example: She walked toward the door.
Manner/Means: by, with, like, as
- Example: He travels by car.
3. Preposition Phrases:
A prepositional phrase is made up of a preposition and its object (the noun or pronoun that follows it).
- Example: In the park, on the table, under the bed.
4. Identifying Prepositions in Sentences:
Prepositions often come before a noun or pronoun to show its relationship with other words in the sentence.
- Example: The cat sat on the mat.
To identify prepositions, look for words that link the noun or pronoun to other parts of the sentence.
5. Tips for Identifying Prepositions:
Check if the word is showing where, when, or how something happens.
Prepositions usually precede a noun or pronoun.
- Example: She arrived before noon.
6. Practice Activity:
Identify the prepositions in these sentences:
- The dog ran under the table.
- We will meet at the park on Sunday.
- The cat jumped over the fence.
Let’s practice!