Identify prepositions

A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and another word in the sentence.

Prepositions indicate time, place, direction, or manner.

Time: at, on, in, during, before, after

  • Example: We will meet at 3 PM.

Place: in, on, at, under, over, near, between, behind

  • Example: The book is on the table.

Direction: to, from, toward, through, across

  • Example: She walked toward the door.

Manner/Means: by, with, like, as

  • Example: He travels by car.

A prepositional phrase is made up of a preposition and its object (the noun or pronoun that follows it).

  • Example: In the park, on the table, under the bed.

Prepositions often come before a noun or pronoun to show its relationship with other words in the sentence.

  • Example: The cat sat on the mat.

To identify prepositions, look for words that link the noun or pronoun to other parts of the sentence.

Check if the word is showing where, when, or how something happens.

Prepositions usually precede a noun or pronoun.

  • Example: She arrived before noon.

Identify the prepositions in these sentences:

  • The dog ran under the table.
  • We will meet at the park on Sunday.
  • The cat jumped over the fence.

Let’s practice!