Round whole numbers and decimals: find the missing digit

Find the place you want to round. Look one place to the right. If the digit is less than 5, round down. If the digit is 5 or higher, round up.

When ? 25 is rounded to the nearest hundred, the result is 700.

6 / 8 / 0 / 7

You want to round to the hundreds place, so look one place to the right:


The digit one place to the right is a 2. As a result, we will be rounding down. So, ?25 rounds down to 700.

Because the missing digit becomes 7 after being rounded down, the missing digit must be 7.

? 893 rounded to the nearest thousand is 4,000.

6 / 4 / 3 / 5

You want to round to the thousands place, so look one place to the right:


The digit one place to the right is a 8. As a result, we will be rounding up. So, ?,893 rounds up to 4,000.

Because the missing digit becomes 4 after being rounded up, the missing digit must be 3.

When? 086 is rounded to the nearest thousand, the result is 8,000.

You want to round to the thousands place, so look one place to the right:


The digit one place to the right is a 0. As a result, we will be rounding down. So, ?,086 rounds down to 8,000.

Because the missing digit becomes 8 after being rounded down, the missing digit must be 8.

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