What decimal number is illustrated?

  • A decimal number is a way to represent fractions and whole numbers together using a decimal point.
  • The position of each digit in a decimal number indicates its value (place value).

  • Digits to the left of the decimal point represent whole numbers (e.g., ones, tens, hundreds).
  • Digits to the right of the decimal point represent fractional parts:
    • Tenths (1/10): First place after the decimal.
    • Hundredths (1/100): Second place after the decimal.
    • Thousandths (1/1000): Third place after the decimal.

  • Grids:
    • A 10×10 grid represents 1 unit divided into 100 equal parts (hundredths).
    • Example: If 45 squares are shaded, the decimal is 0.45 (45/100).
  • Number Lines:
    • Decimals are placed between whole numbers.
    • Example: On a number line from 0 to 1, the point halfway represents 0.5.

  • Shaded Figures: Count the shaded parts and divide by the total parts to determine the decimal.
    • Example: In a circle divided into 10 equal parts with 7 shaded, the decimal is 0.7.
  • Bar Models: Identify the fraction of the bar shaded and convert it to a decimal.
    • Example: A bar divided into 5 parts with 3 shaded represents 0.6 (3/5 = 0.6).

  • Write the decimal as a fraction and simplify if needed.
    • Example: 0.75 = 75/100 = 3/4.

  • 1/2 = 0.5
  • 1/4 = 0.25
  • 3/4 = 0.75
  • 1/10 = 0.1

  • Understanding decimals is essential for money calculations, measurements, and data interpretation.

  • Identify the decimal represented by shaded parts of a grid or figure.
  • Place decimal numbers correctly on a number line.
  • Convert fractions from visual representations into decimals.
  1. Grid Example:
    A grid with 100 squares has 62 shaded. The decimal is 0.62.
  2. Number Line Example:
    A point halfway between 1 and 2 on a number line is 1.5.
  3. Shaded Circle Example:
    A circle divided into 10 parts with 3 shaded is 0.3.

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