Schedule for Weekly Test-8[From 18-11-2024 to 01-12-2024] LevelBasicSubjectTopicsMathsScienceEnglish LevelAcademicSubjectTopicsMathsAdd and subtract fractionsH.1 Add and subtract fractions with like denominatorsH.2 Add and subtract fractions with like denominators: word problemsH.3 Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominatorsH.4 Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators: word problemsH.5 Inequalities with addition and subtraction of like and unlike fractionsH.6 Add and subtract mixed numbersH.7 Add and subtract mixed numbers: word problemsH.8 Estimate sums and differences of mixed numbersScienceLight, Shadows And Reflection11.a Transparent, Opaque And Translucent Objects11.b What Exactly Are Shadows11.c A Pinhole Camera11.d Mirrors And ReflectionsEnglish LevelAdvanceSubjectTopicsMathsScienceEnglishPronoun typesZ.1 Choose between subject and object pronounsZ.2 Compound subjects and objects with ‘I’ and ‘me’Z.3 Compound subjects and objects with pronounsZ.4 Use possessive pronounsZ.5 Choose between personal and reflexive pronounsZ.6 Use reflexive pronounsZ.7 Is the pronoun reflexive or intensive?Z.8 Identify relative pronounsZ.9 Use relative pronouns: who and whomZ.10 Use relative pronouns: who, whom, whose, which and that Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18